The annual Buckaroo Ball is set for Friday, August 2, 2019 at the Red River Conference Center.
The event is a fundraiser for the Red River Valley Foundation, a non-profit organization “dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for the citizens of and visitors to the Red River Valley, NM.”
To achieve that mission, they make grants to non-profit, civic and philanthropic organizations in a variety of areas.
The Buckaroo Ball is the primary source of funding for the Foundation. In 2018 the Foundation awarded grants totaling $15,000.
Vicki Fisher, who joined last year, is the new chair of the Buckaroo Ball committee. She and her husband were invaluable workers for the ball.
The Western-themed ball will feature live and silent auctions, great food, live music with Fritz & Friends and dancing on the largest dance floor in Northern New Mexico.
Volunteers are always a valuable part of a successful Buckaroo Ball. If you would like to help, contact